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Chartered Institute of Housing Canada

CIH Canada is the destination for education, professional standards and accreditation in Canada’s affordable and social housing sector. We offer training, coaching and resources to housing professionals and people interested in working in housing. Whether you’re an experienced practitioner, or just starting out, you’ve come to right place.

We help our members attain the knowledge and skills they need for their job.  Their expertise and housing knowledge can be evaluated and accredited through our international professional housing designation programs.

CIH Canada is part of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), an international network that exists to maximize the contribution that housing professionals make to the well-being of communities. Formed in 1916, CIH is the professional body for housing and supports the housing sector to learn improve and influence.

CIH Canada members are part of a community of international housing professionals in 20 countries on five continents across the world.

aphaafinanceChartered Institute of Housing Canada